

Line 五子棋 203578-Line 五子棋

 與電腦對戰「五子棋」難度由淺入深,棋局練習、分析五大能力!(iPhone, Android) 而電腦強度共分為 9 個層級,以初學者或沒什麼規則概念的人來玩,挑戰到 Level 5 是沒問題,Level 6 就有點難以突破啊! 而規則的部份則分為三種,「五子棋」模式就適合一般人來玩,沒有什麼複雜的限制,任一方先連五的人即可獲勝;「連珠」模式就是加入黑子的禁手限制,包含雙活三棋王 棋奕對戰經典合輯 PC中文版 $199 Yahoo自營 優惠 嘿~還沒有擁有這張卡之前,不要跟我說你會精打細算 配送 快速到貨宅配 $480免運 超商取貨 $390出貨免運 看詳細Gomoku, also known as Five In a Row or 五子棋, is a game playing on a 15×15 (or maybe larger) board Two persons put their own stones on the crossing of the board alternatively, and the game ends with a player winning by creating a line of five stones horizontally, vertically or diagonally, or with a draw by the board filled up with stones Gomoku Free 五子棋 五目並べ 오목 By Savy Soda Line 五子棋